Impassioned advocates working to ensure the continued beauty, integrity, safety and survival of Lake Glenville

From the Archives

For news & information from 2018 onwards, please visit our Latest News section. Historical records prior to 2018 are featured below

Water Quality Reports

Water Quality Reports of Lake Glenville are currently provided on a quarterly basis courtesy of Equniox Environmental. Other reporting is conducted by FLG members and volunteers.

Research Articles:


Our annual FLG Lake Clean-Up went off without a hitch, even though it happened in the middle of a pandemic! 

Volunteers towed free floating logs, dock floats, and debris to Pine Creek ramp. Donation of large crane and labor from Glenville Sawmill assisted the “Take Out Team” to remove the debris out of the water for later removal. Social Distancing was observed during the 2020 Lake Glenville Clean-Up Annual Event. Even our annual “Thank You Volunteers” celebration lunch was scrapped, so Friends of Lake Glenville and White Side Brewing provided gift vouchers for each volunteer to pick up carry-out from White Side Brewing. We could not have cleaned up this unusual large amount of debris without our wonderful community of volunteers!
  • 633 Total # of Volunteer Hours
  • 75 Individual Volunteers
  • 20 Volunteer Watercraft Removing Debris and Trash
  • 55 Floating Docks Removed
  • $5077 Total Cost of 2020 Lake Glenville Clean-Up
  • $1000 Total Donations Received Specifically for Lake Clean-Up
  • $4077 Total "In-Kind" Donations Received

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