In keeping with our mission, we strive to help achieve and maintain the a careful balance that is both beneficial and sustainable for the Lake environment, those who enjoy it and the lake ecosystem as a whole.
Fish Attractors
FLG has partnered with the Lead Fisheries Biologist for North Carolina Wildlife Management’s District 9 to determine the need for and scope of a joint fish attractor. We launched an inaugural test program in 2016 and remain committed to the program going forward.
What’s a Fish Attractor?
Fish attractors are manmade structures that attract larger fish to a designated area for a short time in transition between cover. They are open in design and able to see through, generally with tubes and sticks that stick out and are easy to get fishing lures around.
The FLG Fish Attractor Program
Our fish attractor project featured 20 fish attractors; 10 from North Carolina Wildlife Management and 10 from Friends of Lake Glenville. For Lake Glenville, we chose the Honey Hole Tree fish attractor. This particular model is designed to be utilized in water at least 6 feet deep or deeper. The tree-like shape imitates natural fish cover and quickly attracts many species of game fish.
Each Honey Hole tree fish attractor has over 275 feet of flexible tubing that produces a permanent haven for bass, walleye, and pan fish. The cone and limbs are made from environmentally friendly polyethylene. You can fish thru the structure without snagging, which puts more fish in the boat and less tackle lost. The attractors have over 15,000 square inches of surface area for algae, eggs, and insect larvae to attach to. The dozen slots around the exterior allow baitfish access to a place to hide with in turn attracts larger fish.
The Glenville fish attractor locations through 2017 can be seen on the map below, or click here to download a PDF version of this map.
Fish Stocking Program
Walleye Stocking
FLG has partnered with Powell Wheeler, the District 9 Lead Fisheries Biologist for North Carolina Wildlife Management to address the issues of the how to maintain and potentially improve fishing in Lake Glenville. Fish have been stocked in this lake over the years and most recently Walleye around 2 to 4 inches in length were introduced into Pine Creek where they made their way to the lake only to be eaten by the larger fish in the lake. Our belief is that Walleye fingerlings of around 7 to 9 inches would have a much better chance of survival but NC Wildlife has told us that they do not have the budget to grow these small fish to this size. We are in discussion with them as to whether it would be economical for FLG to subsidize the cost of growing these Walleye from between 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 inches. In addition, we believe it would be better to place these Walleye into multiple sites on the lake to help in their survival rate. We are seeking permission to do this and then find anglers who would help us fulfil this part of the stocking mission. Mr Wheeler will decide when to introduce them into the lake but it will probably in the Spring.
Brown Trout Stocking
On November 9, 2021, our partners -- Cantrell Creek Trout Farm -- stocked the lake with 350 brown trout measuring between 13 - 16 inches each. Below are some pictures and videos from this wonderful event!